All components of the ignition system have the potential to radiate large amounts of interference (electromagnetic radiation) that can wreak havoc on sensitive electronic devices. Therefore it is essential that the ignition components are carefully placed and that full suppression techniques are used. See the ignition wiring section for further details.


Never mount the igniter onto or next to the ECU

Always mount igniter(s) in the engine bay as close to the ignition coil(s) as possible. This helps to minimize the length of high current wiring between the igniter(s) and coil(s). Avoid areas of high temperature such as exhausts, turbochargers and radiators since the igniter itself will generate heat at high power. If vibration levels will be excessively high, some form of soft or rubber mounting is advisable to prevent component and wiring fatigue. Preferably igniters should be mounted on the chassis rather than the engine to reduce vibration.