Individual Cylinder Fuel Correction allows the fueling of each individual cylinder to be adjusted independently. This can be used to compensate for slight differences in injector flows, slight differences in fuel pressure at each injector, differences in cylinder temperature due to coolant system design, etc...

The trim is applied per injector driver so when in sequential or sequential staged mode it is per cylinder but when in group mode a single table or cell can affect multiple cylinders depending on the injector locations.



Individual Cylinder Fuel Correction Settings


Indiv Cylinder Fuel Mode

The following options are available:

·OFF - All cylinders receive the same amount of fuel.

·Single - Each cylinder can be adjusted to receive slightly more or less fuel over the entire operating range. Enter the percentage correction for each cylinder in the Individual Cyl Fuel Trim Table, a value of 0 indicates no trim.

·Table - Each cylinder can be allocated a 3D table. The tuner can decide if each cylinder will have its own table or if groups of cylinders will share tables (eg if one bank of a V engine was to be leaned up from the other using only one adjustment table). Up to eight tables are available for individual fuel adjustment.

·Disabled - All cylinders receive the same amount of fuel but the gp tables used and the values in them remain.


Individual Cyl Fuel Trim Table

Specify the amount of trim to be constantly applied to each cylinder/injector drive. Only available when Indiv Cylinder Fuel Mode is set to Single.


Cyl X Allocation

Specify which Fuel Trim Table each cylinder/injector drive will use. Only available when Indiv Cylinder Fuel Mode is set to Table.


Individual Cylinder Fuel Correction Example

Some 3SGTE variants are known to require different mixtures in the middle cylinders to the outer cylinders, two options exist to achieve this:


·Option 1 - Each cylinder has its own adjustment table. Set up as follows:

·Cyl 1 Allocation = Cyl1 FTrim Table

·Cyl 2 Allocation = Cyl2 FTrim Table

·Cyl 3 Allocation = Cyl3 FTrim Table

·Cyl 4 Allocation = Cyl4 FTrim Table

·Option 2 - The inner cylinders (2 and 3) and outer cylinders (1 and 4) share adjustment tables. Setup as follows:

·Cyl 1 Allocation = Cyl1 FTrim Table

·Cyl 2 Allocation = Cyl2 FTrim Table

·Cyl 3 Allocation = Cyl2 FTrim Table

·Cyl 4 Allocation = Cyl1 FTrim Table