After all checks described in previous sections have been performed, the ECU is ready to be configured for a particular application. The following set-up procedure should be used on all installations as a minimum:

Configuration and Fueling Set-up

If the ECU is to be used to control fuel injection, all of the following steps must be performed. If the ECU will not be controlling fuel injection, then only steps 1 and 2 are required.

1.If you have a .pclx file containing a base configuration, this is the time to load it into the ECU. To do this, select ‘Open’ form the ‘File’ menu. Select the required .pclx file and then select ‘Ok’. When prompted if you want to load the file into the ECU, select ‘Yes’.

2.Click on the ‘Configuration’ heading in the ECU Settings function tree (top left of PCLink Tuning Software screen):

a.Select the correct engine type

b.Select the correct number of cylinders/rotors.

c.Enter the engines firing order.

3.Click on Fuel > Fuel Setup > Fuel Main:

a.Select the desired Injection Mode (e.g. Sequential or Group).

b.Select 'Fuel Table1' from under the 'Fuel' heading. Right click on the table, select 'Axis Setup'. Set the Y Axis (Load) to the appropriate option (e.g. MGP or TPS).

4.Click on ‘Accel Enrichment’:

a.Turn Accel Mode OFF for first time set-ups.

5.Click on Fuel Corrections > IAT Fuel Correction:

a.If air temperature correction is to be used and an air temperature sensor is fitted, set the ‘IAT Mode’ to ON. Then select and fill in the IAT Fuel Trim Table.

b.Turn OFF air temp correction (under ‘IAT Mode’) if air temperature correction is not going to be used

6.Click on Fuel > Fuel Setup > Injector Setup:

a.Select '2D Table' or '3D Table'. Fill in the dead-time table with the information from your injector data-sheet.

7.Click on ‘Overrun Fuel Cut’:

a.Set ‘Fuel cut Mode’ to OFF.

8.Click on Fuel Corrections > Dual Fuel Table:

a.Set Table 2 Mode' to OFF.

9.Click on Fuel Corrections > 4D Fuel Table:

a.Set ‘4D Fuel Mode’ to OFF.

10.Click on Fuel Setup > Injector Test:

a.Turn each injection channel on one by one and check that the correct cylinders injector clicks. Fix any problems now if the injectors do not operate.

11.Perform a Store to permanently save changes to the ECU by pressing F4.

Ignition Set-up

If the ECU is to be used to control ignition, all of the following steps must be performed. If the ECU will not be controlling ignition, then only the first step is required.

1.Click on Ignition > Ignition Set-up > Ignition Main:

a.Select the correct type of ‘Ignition Mode’ for the application. Set to 'OFF' if ignition is not controlled by the ECU.

b.Set ‘Maximum Advance’ to a suitable value.

c.Enter appropriate values for coil dwell time in the ‘Ignition Dwell Time’ table.

2.Click on Ignition Corrections > ECT Ign Trim:

a.Set ECT Trim Mode to OFF (for now).

3.Click on ‘IAT Ign Trim’:

a.Set IAT Trim Mode to OFF (for now).

4.Click on Individual Cyl Ign Trim > Individual Cyl Ign Trim:

a.Set ‘Indiv Ign Mode’ to OFF (for now).

5.Click on Ignition Corrections > Dual Ign Table:

a.Set Table 2 Mode to OFF (for now).

6.Click on ‘4D Ign Table':

a.Set ‘4D Ign Mode’ to OFF (for now).

7.Click on Ignition Setup > Ignition Test:

a.Turn each ignition channels test function on one by one.

b.Check for a quiet clicking sound from each coil or alternately connect a spark gap and check for spark on the correct cylinders.

c.Correct any problems before continuing.

8.Perform a Store to permanently save changes to the ECU by pressing F4.

Limits Set-up

At this stage it is not necessary to precisely set all limits. However, it is essential to ensure they are set to values that will not interfere with tuning procedures. It is advisable to err on the conservative side when setting limit values.

1.Click on Limits > RPM Limit > RPM Limit:

a.Select the desired ‘RPM Limit Mode’

b.Select the RPM Limit Table, enter the required RPM limiting value for each engine temperature in the ‘RPM Limit Table’.

2.Click on Limits > MAP Limit > MAP Limit:

a.Select the desired ‘MAP Limit Mode’

b.Select the MAP Limit Table, enter the required MAP limiting value for each engine temperature in the ‘MAP Limit Table’.

3.Click on Limits > Speed Limit:

a.Set 'Speed Limit Switch' and 'Speed Limit Switch 2' to 'OFF' to ensure it is not invoked during tuning. Note that this limit will only be effective if a vehicle speed sensor is correctly wired and configured.

4.Perform a Store to permanently save changes to the ECU by pressing F4.

Trigger Set-up

Trigger set-up requires entering information regarding the way in which engine speed and position is measured. Consult the PCLink Tuning Software online help for further information on functions.


These are probably the most critical set-up values. Do not attempt to start the engine unless you are 100% confident that these values are correct.

If trigger information is unknown, consult your nearest Link dealer for further assistance.

1.Click on ‘Triggers’ then ‘Trigger Set-up’:

a.Configure triggers as required.

2.Click on ‘Trigger1’:

a.Select correct trigger type and set-up completely.

3.Click on ‘Trigger2’:

a.Select correct trigger type and set-up completely.

4.Perform a Store to permanently save changes to the ECU by pressing F4.

Additional Set-up

It is important that all features not required for initial tuning are either disabled or correctly set-up. It is recommended that features be initially disabled to ensure they do not complicate tuning.

1.Click on ‘Motorsport’ then ‘Antilag’:

a.Set ‘Antilag Mode’ to OFF.

2.Click on ‘Launch Control’:

a.Set ‘Launch Control Mode’ to OFF..

3.Click on 'Gear Cut Control’:

a.Set 'Gear Cut Control Mode’ to OFF.

4.Click on Boost Control > Boost Set-up:

a.Configure Boost Control as described in the PCLink Tuning Software online help.

5.Click on 'Multiple Boost Tables':

a.Set 'Active Tables' to 1 Table.

6.Perform a Store to permanently save changes to the ECU by pressing F4.