Reluctor/Magnetic sensors have a toothed trigger wheel that passes across the face of the sensor. The movement of the teeth past the sensor generates a voltage in the sensors winding. These sensors usually have only two wires as the sensor itself generates a voltage. One wire is the sensor ground while the other is the signal output. Some reluctor sensors have a second ground to sheild their enclosure and therefore have three wires. These sensors are often identified by sharp tooth profiles.
The polarity of the reluctor sensors two wires is very important and must be correct. Wiring of sensors incorrectly could result in erratic running and possibly engine damage |
Reluctor sensors MUST be wired so that the ECU sees a positive voltage as the tooth approaches the sensor and a negative voltage as the tooth leaves the sensor. An oscilloscope is usually required to determine correct reluctor polarity.
Correct Reluctor Polarity
INCORRECT Reluctor Polarity
Reluctor Sensor Wiring