Engine Cycle Count

The number of times the engine has completed a full firing cycle. This is two crank revolutions on a four stroke engine or one crank revolution on a two stroke or rotary. Note Engine Cycle Count will stop increasing at 60000 cycles (approx 10 mins at 6000 RPM or 1 hr at 1000 RPM).


Engine Running Time

The time in seconds the engine has been running for. Note Engine Running Time will stop increasing at 60000 seconds (16 hrs, 40 mins).


Engine Speed

This value represents the current engine speed in revolutions per minute (RPM). An erratic or unstable value indicates a triggering problem. This may be the result of the triggering configuration setup, wiring faults or a faulty sensor/pickup.


Engine Speed ROC

The current rate at which the engine speed is accelerating or de-accelerating. In RPM/sec.


Trigger 1 Error Counter

The current number of Trigger Errors. The value may increase at the start of cranking. If the count increments at other times it may be the result of an incorrect trigger configuration, wiring faults, or a faulty sensor.


Trigger 1 Signal Status

This Trigger 1 Signal Status may show the following states:

·No - No trigger signal is being received

·Yes - A trigger signal is present.


Trigger 2 Signal Status

This Trigger 2 Signal Status may show the following states:

·No - No trigger signal is being received

·Yes - A trigger signal is present.


Engine Rotation Direction

This Engine Rotation Direction Status may show the following states:

·Forwards - Engine is rotating in forward direction.

·Reverse - Engine is rotating in reverse direction.


Note: This status is only used on certain Link Powersport Plug-in ECUs.


Trigger 1 State

Indicates the current trigger decoding state.

·Idle - No triggers (engine stalled).

·Blank Time - Received a tooth and waiting a set amount of time before checking for more teeth (used to prevent glitchy issues from sensor sitting on edge of tooth while engine stopped or engine rocking on tooth edge).

·Blank Teeth - Starting to count teeth.

·First Tooth - Starting to calculate speed.

·Second Tooth - Calculated speed.

·Test Gap -  Looking for a Trigger 1 gap (multi/missing mode).

·Verify Gap - Found a suspected Trigger 1 gap, making sure it is one (multi/missing mode).

·Counting - ECU Counting teeth from previous sync point.

·Counting Timeout - ECU stopped getting Trigger 1 teeth while counting. (also occurs immediately after tooth after gap state in multi/missing mode)

·Tooth Before Gap - Counted all the way back around to the Trigger 1 gap (multi/missing mode).

·Extra Tooth - Similar to Tooth After Gap but for modes with extra teeth instead of gaps.

·Tooth After Gap - Counted all the way back around to the Trigger 1 gap, confirmed gap, at tooth after gap, resetting the count (multi/missing mode).

·Tooth After Sync - Similar to Tooth After Gap but for non missing teeth modes.

·Verify Double Gap - Similar to Verify Gap but for trigger patterns with two gaps directly after each other

·Tooth in Double Gap - Similar to Tooth After Gap but for the tooth in the middle of two consecutive gaps.

·Tooth After Double Gap - Similar to Tooth After Gap but for the tooth after two consecutive gaps.

·Start Counting - Used for syncing on more complex patterns.

·Count Small - Used by some trigger modes with more complex patterns.

·Count Large - Used by some trigger modes with more complex patterns.

·Count Medium - Used by some trigger modes with more complex patterns.

·Test Wide Tooth - Similar to Test Gap but for patterns with a wide tooth.

·Test Narrow Tooth - Similar to Test Gap but for patterns with a narrow tooth.

·Count Narrow Teeth - Used by some trigger modes with more complex patterns.

·Start Counting Large - Used for syncing on more complex patterns.