These are the VVT Runtime Values and Statuses, see VVT Control for more information on the VVT system.


Inlet/Exhaust Bank 1/2 Signal (Status)

This Exhaust Signal Status may show the following states:

·Ok - No faults detected with Cam Position Signals.

·No Signal - No Cam Position Signal Detected.

·Error: N Cam Pulse - Indicates that cam pulse N is not occurring at the expected engine position, N can be a value from 1-8.

·Error: Missing Pulses - Indicates that less than the expected number of pulses occurred.

·Error: Extra Pulses - Indicates that more than the expected number of pulses occurred.

·Error: Cannot Sync - The first pulse after TDC did not occur in the expected position.

·NA RPM Lockout - System disabled due to RPM lockout

·Error: Configuration - Indicates that there is something wrong with the configuration.

·Exhaust Retard Tooth Tolerance - Indicates that the cam position is outside of the allowed range. The allowed range is set using the Cam Tooth Tolerance Settings.


For further assistance contact a Link Dealer.


Inlet/Exhaust Bank 1/2 Target

The target position the ECU is trying to achieve, the target comes from the active VVT Target table.


Inlet/Exhaust Bank 1/2 Position

This is the actual position of the cam. Note that this should be very close to that cams target position.


Inlet/Exhaust Bank 1/2 Solenoid

The current duty cycle (%) of the cam's position control solenoid.


Inlet/Exhaust Bank 1/2 Err Counter

This value counts errors that occur in the measurement of the cams position. This value should remain constant and not increase while the engine is running, errors here could indicate incorrect setup of the cam channels digital input. Note that it is not uncommon to get 1 or 2 errors on engine start-up.


Inlet/Exhaust Bank 1/2 Sys Status

This Exhaust System Status may show the following states:

·OFF or RPM Zero - System OFF or disabled due to engine not running.

·Active - Cam control is currently active.

·RPM Lockout - Engine Speed below lockout level, cam control disabled.

·ECT Lockout- Engine Coolant Temperature below lockout level, cam control disabled.

·OFF: CAM Signal Error - Signal error detected, cam control disabled.

·OFF: CAM Test Running - Cam test running, cam control disabled.

·CAM Test - Error - There was an issue with the Cam Test.

·CAM Test - Hold RPM or ECT - Cam test turned on but not running as the RPM and/or ECT are below the lockout values.


Active Inlet/Exhaust Table

The VVT Target Table that is currently active (is being used for the target value).


Cam Testing - Cam Angle #1-8

The position in crankshaft degrees After (cylinder 1) Top Dead Centre (ATDC) where the cam pulse appears. See Cam Angle Test for further details.