Refer here for Virtual Fuel Tank Fuel Left.


Gear Detection Runtimes

In Driving Gear

Displays a simple yes/no status as to whether or not the car is in a driving gear.

·No - Gear position is No Gear (0), Neutral (N), Park (P), Unknown Gear (-), the Clutch Switch is active or the Neutral/Park Switch is active.

·Yes - Gear position is Reverse (R), Drive (D), High (H), Low (L), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8 and the Clutch Switch is not active and the Neutral/Park Switch is not active.


In Driving gear affects the Idle Drive trim and can be selected as the Speed Lockout Source in ISC which is useful for vehicles without a speed input wired into the ECU.


Gear Ratio Status

Displays the status of the automatic RPM/Speed gear ratio calibration.

·OFF - Gear Detection Mode is off.

·KPH < 15 - wheel speed is too slow to calculate a gear position

·Calculating 1st Gear - Calibrating the 1st gear.

·Calculating 2nd Gear - Calibrating the 2nd gear.

·Calculating 3rd Gear - Calibrating the 3rd gear.

·Calculating 4th Gear - Calibrating the 4th gear.

·Calculating 5th Gear - Calibrating the 5th gear.

·Calculating 6th Gear - Calibrating the 6th gear.

·Calculating 7th Gear - Calibrating the 7th gear.

·Calculating 8th Gear - Calibrating the 8th gear.

·Finished - finished calibrating the selected gear.

·No Speed Input - Speed of selected input is 0kph, this means that either the wheels aren't moving or the speed input is setup incorrectly.

·Error - try again - Failed to calibrate the selected gear.


Gear Ratio Calc.

Displays the engine speed / wheel speed ratio. This value will only be non zero when using 'RPM/Speed' gear detection mode.


Gear (Status)

Displays the current gear. This gear value is used by the Shift Light, Boost Control, Gear Shift Control and the In Driving Gear status.

·0 (no gear)









·P (Park)

·R (Reverse)

·N (Neutral)

·D (Drive)

·H (High)

·L (Low)

·- (Unknown Gear)


Gear Shifter Position (Status)

Displays the current gear shifter position. This status is used by some of the built in vehicle CAN modes such as the Ford BA Falcon and Nissan 350Z.

This status can only be set by CAN and doesn't explicitly affect anything other than some built in CAN modes.

·0 (no gear)









·P (Park)

·R (Reverse)

·N (Neutral)

·D (Drive)

·H (High)

·L (Low)

·M (Manual mode)

·M- (Manual mode shift down)

·M+ (Manual mode shift up)




AC Clutch Control Runtimes

AC Status

Displays the current status of the air conditioning control function.

·OFF - AC control is turned off

·Clutch Engaged - Air Conditioning compressor clutch engaged.

·Clutch Delay - The ECU is waiting to engage or dis-engage the compressor clutch as configured under AC Control.

·Pressure Low Lockout - The ECU has disabled AC compressor clutch engagement as the system pressure is too low and the AC Clutch has been disengaged. This status can only occur in Full mode.

·Pressure High Lockout - The ECU has disabled AC compressor clutch engagement as the system pressure is too high and the AC Clutch has been disengaged. This status can only occur in Full mode.

·Evaporator Cold Lockout - The AC evaporator has reached the minimum allowable temperature configured in AC Control and the AC Clutch has been disengaged. This status can only occur in Full mode.

·TPS Clutch Release - The Throttle Position (Main) is above the lockout position configured in AC control and the AC Clutch has been disengaged.

·MAP Clutch Release - The Manifold Pressure is above the lockout pressure configured in AC control and the AC Clutch has been disengaged.

·Inj DC Clutch Release - The Injector Duty Cycle is above the lockout percentage configured in AC control and the AC Clutch has been disengaged.

·APS Clutch Release - The Accelerator Position (Main) is above the lockout position configured in AC control and the AC Clutch has been disengaged.

·Startup Lockout - The engine speed is under 400 RPM and the AC Clutch has been disengaged.

·Request OFF - The AC Request Status is OFF.

·Pressure Sensor Fault - There is an issue with the ac pressure signal or sensor and the AC Clutch has been disengaged. This status can only occur in Full mode.

·Temperature Sensor Fault - There is an issue with the ac evaporator temperature signal or sensor and the AC Clutch has been disengaged. This status can only occur in Full mode.


AC Clutch (Status)

Displays the status of the AC Clutch.

·OFF - The AC Clutch Output is not active or has not been set.

·ON - The AC Clutch Output is active.

AC Request (status)

Displays the status of the AC Request input

·Inactive - The input is set up but is not active.

·Active - The input is active.

·Off - The input has not been set up.


AC Pressure

Displays the current AC pressure. This will only be a non zero value when using Full mode with a Pressure Source selected.


AC Evaporator Temperature

Displays the current AC evaporator temperature. This will only be a non zero value when using Full mode with a Temperature Source selected.





Speed Sources Runtimes

LF/LR/RF/RR Wheel Speed

These runtimes display the current speed of their respective wheels.


Driving Wheel Speed

Displays the current speed of the selected Driving Wheel speed Source. This is the speed of the wheels being powered by the engine/drivetrain, this wheel speed is greater than the Driven Wheel Speed when performing a burnout as the wheels are spinning faster than the car is rolling.


Driven Wheel Speed

Displays the current speed of the selected Driven Wheel speed Source. This is the speed of the wheels not being powered by the engine/drivetrain, this wheel speed is based purely off of how fast the car is rolling over a surface



Displays the current rate of acceleration of the selected Acceleration Source.



Displays the current wheel speed slip based on the difference in speed between the driving and driven wheel speeds. More info here.




Starter Control Runtimes

Starter Control (status)

Displays the current status of the Starter Control function.

·Engine Stopped - The engine is not running.

·Cranking - The output is active and the ecu is trying to crank the engine.

·Engine Running - The engine is running, there are two visibly identical statuses for engine is running, the second one is used by the Touch Start and Start/Stop modes and is entered once the start button has been released.

·Failed to Start - The engine failed to start in the specified time, this status is used by the Touch Start mode.

·Engine Kill - The engine is being forcibly stopped due to either a lockout occurring while cranking or the start button beign pressed while the engine is running in Touch Start or Start/Stop modes.

·Off - Starter Control is turned off.

·Startup Lockout - The engine is not running and the Start input is active but one of the lockouts is preventing the Starter output from activating.




Anti Theft Runtimes

Anti Theft (status)

Displays the current Anti Theft status. The Anti Theft status takes into account the CAN Anti-Theft Request and the selected Digital Input. The Anti Theft status can also affect the Starter Control function.

·Inactive - Anti Theft is turned on but is not active.

·Active - Anti Theft is active and preventing the engine from running.

·Off - Anti Theft has not been turned on.


CAN Anti-Theft Request (status)

Displays the current Anti Theft state of the CAN Anti Theft Request status. Some built in vehicle CAN modes such as the Nissan 350Z can set the CAN Anti Theft Request based on the factory immobiliser system.

·OFF - The CAN input is requesting that the engine can run.

·ON - The CAN input is requesting that the engine is immobilised.




Cruise Control Runtimes

Cruise Set Speed

This runtime is the speed the Cruise Control system will attempt to achieve and maintain once the Cruise Control Status changes to Active.


Cruise Control Status

Displays the current state of the Cruise Control function.

·OFF - Cruise Control is currently off, either the entire function is set to off or the Cruise On Switch hasn't been used to activate Cruise Control.

·Enabled - Cruise Control is enabled but not active, if the set or resume buttons are used and conditions are appropriate Cruise Control will become active.

·Active - Cruise Control is active and is controlling the vehicle speed.


Cruise Set Switch, Cruise Resume Switch, Cruise Cancel Switch & Cruise On Switch

These Runtime statuses show the current state of each of the various Cruise Control switch inputs.




Misc Runtimes

Steering Position

Displays the current steering position, this runtime can only be set by CAN.


Steering Position ROC

Displays the rate of change of the steering position, this runtime can only be set by CAN (is not derived from the steering position runtime).