CL Lambda Status 1&2

The status of the Closed Loop Lambda system can be viewed under the Fuel runtime values tab. Status values are as follows:

·OFF - CLL is turned off.

·Increase Fuel - Increasing the fuel trim.

·Decrease Fuel - Decreasing the fuel trim.

·Max Clamp - Fuel value has been increased as much as possible.

·Min Clamp - Fuel value has been decreased as much as possible.

·Lockout: RPM < 500 - Engine speed too low, CLL disabled.

·Lockout: ECT - ECT is below ECT Lockout value, CLL is disabled.

·Lockout: Startup Timer - Startup Timer Lockout has not expired yet, CLL is disabled.

·Lockout: RPM High - Engine speed is above RPM Lockout High value, CLL is disabled.

·Lockout: RPM Low - Engine speed is below RPM Lockout Low value, CLL is disabled.

·Lockout: MAP - MAP is above the MAP Lockout value, CLL is disabled.

·Lockout: %TPS - TP(Main) is over the TP Lockout value, CLL is disabled.

·Lockout: %TPS Delta - TPS Delta is over the TP Delta Lockout value, CLL is disabled ).

·Lockout: MAP Delta - MAP Delta is over the MAP Delta Lockout value, CLL is disabled.

·Lockout: Anti-Lag - Anti-lag or cyclic idle is active, CLL is disabled.

·Lockout: Launch Control - Launch control is armed, CLL is disabled.

·Lockout: Lambda Error - lambda value is outside of allowable range, possibly due to sensor fault.

·Engine Cut - Fuel or Ignition cuts are active, CLL is disabled.

·No Signal - Oxygen sensor voltage has been below 0.05 volts for over 15 seconds, CLL is disabled (Narrow Band only).


If one bank has been setup then CL Lambda Status 2 stays in the OFF state, if two banks have been setup then each status refers to the bank with the same number.


CL Lambda Fuel Corr. & CL Lambda Fuel Corr. 2

The Closed Loop Lambda fuel trim applied to the fuel equation. CL Lambda Fuel Corr. 2 is non zero when using two banks.


CL Lambda Target Error 1&2

Displays the lambda target minus the current lambda value of the relevant bank. Displays a 0 value when using Narrow band mode.


CL Lambda LT corr. & CL Lambda LT corr. 2

The Closed Loop Lambda Long Term Trim currently being applied to the fuel equation. Note this trim is applied in addition to the CL Lambda Fuel Corr. trims.