Units used (l, km, l/100km or gal(US), mi, mpg(US)) are determined by the Speed selection box in the Options window.


Accumulated Fuel Consumption

The fuel used since last ECU power up including Pre Crank Prime, First Crank Prime, individual cylinder trims, Knock fuel trims, CLL, CLL LTT and accel enrichment. Doesn't currently include Asynchronous Injection events.

If using Secondary Extra mode all Secondary injector fuel usage is ignored (as there is currently no way of knowing the flow rate of the  secondary injectors).

For this value to be accurate the following requirements must be met:

·The Injector Deadtime Table and Short Pulse Width Adder Table must be accurate.

·The Injector Flow, Injector Rated Pressure and Fuel Pressure and must be accurate (When using Modeled Fuel Modes).

·The Fuel Flow Table must be turned on and setup accurately (When using Traditional Fuel Mode).

Can be in l or gal(US) (based on the speed units option).


Accumulated Distance

The distance traveled since last ECU power up based on Driven Wheel Speed. This is used for calculating l/100km and mpg(US) values.


Accumulated Fuel/Distance

The fuel per distance used since last ECU power up, uses the Accumulated Fuel Consumption and Accumulated Distance runtimes. Can be in L/100km or MPG (based on the speed units option).

When no distance has been traveled the value remains set at 0.


Instantaneous Fuel/Distance

The current fuel per distance usage (uses Driven Wheel Speed). Can be in l/100km or mpg(US) (based on the speed units option).

When the wheel speed is 0 the value displayed is 0 (instead of infinity).


Inst. Fuel Consumption

Instantaneous Fuel Consumption is a value calculated from the rate of change of the Accumulated Fuel Consumption (units are cc/minute).


Fuel Left

The amount of fuel left in the Virtual Fuel Tank, this value is updated using the Accumulated Fuel Consumption.

Can be in l or gal(US) (based on the speed units option).


Fuel Left (Status)

Changes from OK to ERROR LOW when the Fuel Left value is less than or equal to the Fuel left warning volume value.