Knock Fuel Trims can be found here.


Injection Actual PW

The actual injection pulse width output on the fuel injector drive in milliseconds (ms). This includes the effective pulse-width, the short pulse width adder and the injector dead-time.


Injection Effective PW

The calculated injection pulse width before the short pulse width adder and the injector dead-time are added.


Injector PW (Sec)

This displays the effective pulse width applied (not including deadtime or short pulse width adder) to the secondary injectors in milliseconds (ms).


Injector Duty Cycle

This is the percentage of injector duty cycle being applied to the injectors, this is the percentage of time that the injectors are open. A value of 100% indicates that the injectors are on continuously.

 Note: In practice it is wise to leave some margin with the duty cycle remaining below 90% at full power. If higher values are required then this indicates an inadequate fuel supply system or undersized injectors.


Injector Duty Cycle (Sec)

This is the percentage of injector duty cycle being applied to the secondary injectors, this is the percentage of time that the secondary injectors are open. A value of 100% indicates that the injectors are on continuously.

 Note: In practice it is wise to leave some margin with the duty cycle remaining below 90% at full power. If higher values are required then this indicates an inadequate fuel supply system or undersized injectors.


Injection Timing

This displays the current injector timing of either the opening or closing (depending on the selected mode) in degrees before top dead centre (BTDC). The point of injection that this angle represents (start, middle or end) is defined by the Injection Timing Position setting.


Injection Deadtime

This displays the current injector deadtime trim being applied. The deadtime trim is a function of system voltage and the type of injectors being used, the units milliseconds (ms). This value is added to the Injector Effective Pulse Width along with the Short Pulse Width Adder value to get the Injection Actual Pulse Width which is applied the actual on time applied to the injectors.

 Note: Deadtime is the actual time it takes to open and close the injector.


Injection Deadtime (Sec)

This displays the current injector deadtime trim being applied to the secondary injector. The deadtime trim is a function of system voltage and the type of injectors being used, the units milliseconds (ms). This value is added to the Injector Effective Pulse Width (Secondary) along with the Short Pulse Width Adder (Secondary) value to get the actual pulse width which is applied to the secondary injectors.

 Note: Deadtime is the actual time it takes to open and close the injector.


Lambda 1-8

These runtime values show the current value from their respective wideband oxygen sensors. Lambda 1&2 can be input via Analog Inputs or via CAN, Lambda 3-8 can only be input via CAN.


Lambda Avg

Up to 8 wideband oxygen sensors can be connected. All connected sensors that are operating correctly (inside a specific Lambda range) are averaged to to give this value. The working sensor Lambda range is between 0.1 and 9 Lambda.

When using analog inputs to read wideband values the analog Error High and Error Low voltages can be set to further restrict the allowable operating range. If all sensors are outside their operating ranges then lambda average defaults to 0.


The units of the displayed values can be changed to AFR using the keyboard shortcut 'U', more information on unit settings can be found here.


AFR/Lambda Target

Displays the current Lambda target This value is from the addition of the AFR/Lambda Target Table and the Open Loop AFR/Lambda Target Overlay table.


AFR/Lambda Trgt Ovrly

Displays the current value from the Open Loop AFR/Lambda Target Overlay table. This value is added to the value from the AFR/Lambda Target Table to get the AFR/Lambda Target.


Lambda Target Error

Displays the current AFR/Lambda Target minus the current Lambda Avg.


Fuel Table 1 & 2 (Status)

There are two possible states for Fuel Table 1&2:

·OFF - Not active.

·Active - Active. The values from this Fuel Table are being used in the fuel calculation by the ECU.


Fuel Table 1 & 2 (Value)

This is the current value being taken from this Fuel Table. It is important to realise that when the current operating parameters do not fall in the centre of a cell, the ECU uses the values from the cells that the engine is operating between and interpolates to get a value for the current operating position.

Example: Operating half way between two cells with values of 50.0 and 51.0, the utilised Fuel Table value will be 50.5.

Staged Injection Table

The percentage of the total fuel that is going through the secondary injectors. This value is from the Secondary Injection Table, see Staged Injection for more information.





Cold Start Runtimes:

Prime Fuel

This runtime value displays the Pre-Crank Prime fuel that was added last time the engine was started. This value will still display while the engine is running to allow it to be viewed. (Crank fuel does not generally last long enough for it to be viewed).


First Crank Prime

This runtime value displays the First Crank Prime fuel that is going to be added when the engine first starts to turn over. This value is displayed while the engine is not turning over and is set to 0 when the engine has started to turn over. (First Crank Prime does not generally last long enough for it to be viewed).


Crank Enrich

This displays the current Crank Enrichment as a percentage of the base injector pulse width.


Post Start Enrich

This displays the current Post-Start Enrichment as a percentage of the base injector pulse width.


Warm Up Enrichment

This displays the current Warm-Up Enrichment as a percentage of the base injector pulse width.




Accel Fuel

This displays the current Acceleration Enrichment in milliseconds (ms).


Charge Temperature

This displays the current Charge Temperature in the selected temperature unit.


IAT Fuel Corr.

This displays the current Inlet Air Temperature Correction as a percentage of the base injector pulse width.


Fuel 4D & 5D Table

This displays the current trim being applied by the respective 4D Fuel Table or 5D Fuel Table as a percentage of the base injector pulse width.


FTrim Cylinder #1-8

Displays the current individual cylinder fuel trim being applied for each injector drive. This runtime value is only visible if the Individual Cylinder Fuel Correction function is active. 'Cylinder' terminology is used as common usage is with sequential injection but the trims are actually applied to the injector drive of the same number.


Load (Abs)

The estimated engine load as based on SAE standards.

If Load (Abs) is 100% this means the cylinder is 100% full at atmospheric pressure. If Load (Abs) is 200% this means the cylinder is 200% full (it has 1.0 bar of pressure above atmospheric pressure).

For Load(Abs) to work correctly the Fuel Equation Mode must be set to Modelled or Modelled - Multi Fuel, Engine Capacity must be set correctly and the ECU must have a working calibrated MAP sensor.


Air per Cylinder Estimated

Displays the current estimated air per cylinder in grams per cylinder (g/cyl).

For Air per Cylinder Estimated to work correctly the Fuel Equation Mode must be set to Modelled or Modelled - Multi Fuel, Engine Capacity must be set correctly and the ECU must have a working calibrated MAP sensor.


Fuel per Cylinder

Displays the current calculated Fuel per cylinder in milligrams (mg).

For Fuel per Cylinder to work correctly the Fuel Equation Mode must be set to Modelled or Modelled - Multi Fuel. Fuel per Cylinder is based off of Air per Cylinder Estimated, Lambda Target, Stoich Ratio and any active trims.


Differential Fuel Pressure

The Differential Fuel Pressure value is calculated by comparing fuel pressure to MGP (Manifold Gauge Pressure).


The calculation is:

Differential Fuel Pressure = Fuel Pressure - MGP.


Differential Fuel Pressure works differently depending on which Fuel Equation Mode and Fuel System Type are selected.

Fuel Equation Mode

Fuel System Type

How Differential Fuel Pressure works



Differential Fuel Pressure = Fuel Pressure - MGP.

Modelled or Modelled - Dual Fuel

None - No FP Correction

Differential Fuel Pressure always equals zero.

Modelled or Modelled - Dual Fuel

MAP Referenced

Differential Fuel Pressure always equals Base Fuel Pressure.

Modelled or Modelled - Dual Fuel


Differential Fuel Pressure = Base Fuel Pressure - MGP.

Modelled or Modelled - Dual Fuel

FP Sensor

Differential Fuel Pressure = Fuel Pressure - MGP.



·Differential Fuel Pressure can only be a positive value.





Motorsport Fuel Trims:

Gear Shift Fuel Trim

The amount of fuel enrichment (%) being provided during by the gear shift function. See Gear Shift Control for more information.


Anti-Lag Fuel

Refer to here.


Launch Fuel Trim

The amount (%) of fuel trim being applied to the fuel equation by the launch control function. This value comes from the Launch Fuel Table, see Launch Control for more information.


Limit Fuel Trim

The amount (%) of fuel trim being applied to the fuel equation by an engine limit. This value comes from the largest active (or recently active and decaying) Limit Fuel Trim setting, these Limit Fuel Trim settings exist in RPM Limit, MAP Limit, Speed Limit, GP RPM Limit 1 and GP RPM Limit 2.