If any of the lockout conditions are true, the idle speed control will be disabled.


Speed Lockout

Disabling the idle speed control while moving can help prevent idle speed undershoot when coming to a complete stop as it allows a more aggressive idle speed control setup without affecting driveability.

·Speed Lockout Source - Can be set to OFF, Driven Wheel Speed, Driving Wheel Speed or In Driving Gear. Controls whether or not speed lockout is applied and if it is it controls what speed source is used for the comparison.

·Speed Lockout - Specifies the maximum speed at which idle speed control will be applied, if the vehicle speed is greater than the lockout value idle speed control is turned off.


In Driving Gear option causes ISC to be locked out when the In Driving Gear RTS is active, this allows a speed lockout without a speed input but it does require a gear input such as an analog position sensor from a sequential gearbox.


APS/TPS Lockout

This setting enables control of the point at which idle speed control turns on and off when going on and off the accelerator. The value is compared against APS (Main) when Actuator Type is set to Ethrottle and is compared against TPS (Main) when it is not. The lockout is applied (Idle control turned off) when the applicable position sensor is greater than the value set.


RPM Lockout

This setting enables control of the point at which idle speed control turns off as the engine speed increases and back on as it decreases. When in closed loop mode or when using idle ignition control the value specified is added to the rpm target to get the lockout value and when in open loop with no ignition control the value specified is used directly as the lockout value. The lockout is applied (Idle control turned off) when the engine speed is greater than the lockout value.


MAP Lockout

This setting enables control of the point at which idle speed control turns on and off as the MAP value changes, this setting is particularly useful on vehicles without a proper tps sensor. The lockout is applied (Idle control turned off) when the MAP is greater than the value set.