Boost Mode

Sets which boost mode will be used, Disabled leaves inputs, outputs and table activates but doesn't perform any boost control functionality.


Boost Source

This setting is only available in Closed Loop Boost Control.

Used to select the pressure input that is being controlled. MAP is typically used but controlling the pressure in the manifold can cause issues at partial throttle and so this setting allows a turbo pressure sensor to be used allowing better control.


PWM Output

Used to select which Output is being used to control the boost solenoid.


Voltage Compensation

When turned on the Duty Cycle of the Auxiliary is adjusted based on how far the battery voltage is from 14V (while still being clamped between the min and max). This means that the actual position of the solenoid should be more consistent with the desired position over variations in the vehicle voltage.


PWM Frequency

Used to set the frequency of the PWM controlling the boost solenoid. A typical value would be 20Hz.


RPM Activation

Sets the engine speed (RPM) activation point for boost control. When the engine speed exceeds this value and the MAP Activation value is exceeded boost control becomes active.



If the RPM activation is set to 3000RPM, only when the engine speed exceeds 3000RPM and the MAP Activation point has been exceeded will boost control become active.


MAP Activation

Sets the MAP activation point for boost control. When the MAP exceeds this value and the RPM Activation value is exceeded boost control becomes active.



If the MAP activation is set to 90 kPa, only when the MAP exceeds 90 kPa and the RPM Activation point has been exceeded will boost control become active.


Deactivation Timeout

·In Open Loop Boost Control this sets the amount of time boost control will stay active for after the engine speed or MAP fall below their activation values.

·In Closed Loop Boost Control this sets the amount of time Stage 2 or 3 will stay active for after the engine speed or MAP fall below their activation values.


Active Tables

Sets how many Wastegate Duty Cycle tables are available. This option can be set from 1 Table to 3 Tables. Multiple Boost Tables can also be set to Interpolate Between.

When using Closed Loop Boost Control this setting also controls how many Boost Target Tables are available, each Boost Target table is paired to a Duty Cycle table.


When set to Interpolate Between the Boost Table Ratio Table appears. The Boost Table Ratio Table is used to control the interpolation between Wastegate % DC Table 1 and Wastegate % DC Table 2, when in closed loop it also controls the interpolation between Boost Target Table 1 and Boost Target Table 2 in Closed Loop. The x (horizontal) axis of the Boost Table Ratio Table is configurable. Commonly used parameters include % Ethanol, Multi Fuel Blend Ratio, or an An Volt channel.



Set this setting to 2 Tables, this will allow two separate boost maps that can be switched by an input.


Table x Activation (x = table number)

Sets the input that activates Wastegate Duty Cycle Table x (and Boost Target Table x when in Closed Loop). Higher numbered tables have a higher priority.



Set this setting to DI2, this will activate the matching boost tables when DI2 becomes active.


GP Wastegate Tables

Turns ON or OFF the Boost Wastegate GP Trim Table (and Boost GP Target Trim Table when in Closed Loop), the GP Trim function can be used to adjust boost based on runtimes not covered by the other trim tables.


Wastegate %DC x Table (x = table number)

The Wastegate DC Table is a 3D table used for specifying base duty cycles.

·In open loop these values should be set to give the desired boost at different points in the rpm (typically as much boost as possible in points that full boost can't be reached).  typically the Y-Axis used is TPS, and the X-Axis is Engine Speed as partial throttle means a higher turbo pressure than intake pressure which if set to achieve the same manifold pressure regardless of TPS results in no throttle control.

·In closed loop control these are effectively the starting point for the ECU and should get the boost close to the target, typically the Y-Axis used is Boost Target, and the X-Axis is Engine Speed, this is so the base values will change based on the boost target.


Boost Target x Table (x = table number)

This setting is only available in Closed Loop Boost Control.

The Boost Target Table is a 3D table used for specifying the target boost pressure that the closed loop control system will try and achieve. Open loop boost control base duty cycles should be setup to achieve a boost pressure very similar to the target for proper operation.



Set this table to the desired boost pressure. Typically this will be a 2D table with Engine Speed on the x-axis.


Boost Table Ratio Table

The Boost Table Ratio Table is visible when Active Tables is set to 'Interpolate Between' and is used to define how much of each table to use. A value of 0% means use the value from table 1, a value of 100 means use the value from table 2, a value of 50% means use the average value of the two tables and so on. This ratio is applied to the Wastegate DC Tables and when using Closed Loop Boost it is also applied to the Boost Target Tables.


Boost ECT Wastegate Trim Table

This table allows trimming of the wastegate DC based on Engine Coolant Temperature. The value is applied as a percentage correction to the base duty cycle.



Use this table to decrease the turbo spooling ability when the engine is cold.


With this table set to -50%, and a base duty cycle of 50%, the effective base duty cycle will be 25% (50 + 50 * -50%).


Boost ECT Target Trim Table

This setting is only available in Closed Loop Boost Control.

This table allows trimming of the Boost Target based on Engine Coolant Temperature. The value is applied as an offset, use a positive number to raise the Boost or a negative number to lower the Boost Target.



Use this table to decrease the boost pressure when the engine coolant temperature is warming up or too hot. Adjust the Boost ECT Wastegate Trim Table at the same time to increase stability.


Boost IAT Wastegate Trim Table

This table allows trimming of the wastegate DC based on Intake Air Temperature. The value is applied as a percentage correction to the base duty cycle.



Use this table to decrease the base duty cycle during low inlet temperatures to reduce target overshoot.


Use this table to increase the base duty cycle during high inlet temperatures to increase spool time.


With this table set to -50%, and a base duty cycle of 50%, the effective base duty cycle will be 25% (50 + 50 * -50%).


Boost IAT Target Trim Table

This setting is only available in Closed Loop Boost Control.

This table allows trimming of the Boost Target based on Intake Air Temperature. The value is applied as an offset, use a positive number to raise the Boost Target or a negative number to lower the Boost Target.



Use this table to decrease the boost pressure when the inlet air temperature is excessively hot. Adjust the Boost IAT Wastegate Trim Table at the same time to increase stability.


Boost Gear Wastegate Trim Table

This table allows trimming of the wastegate DC based on gear position. The value is applied as a percentage correction to the base duty cycle.



Use this table to increase the base duty cycle in 1st gear to help spool up the turbo.


Use this table to decrease the base duty cycle in 1st gear if traction becomes an issue.


With this table set to 10%, and a base duty cycle of 50%, the effective base duty cycle will be 55% (50 + 50 * 10%).


Boost Gear Target Trim Table

This setting is only available in Closed Loop Boost Control.

This table allows trimming of the Boost Target based on gear position. The value is applied as an offset, use a positive number to raise the Boost Target or a negative number to lower the Boost Target.



Use this table to decrease the boost pressure in first gear if traction becomes an issue. Adjust the Boost Gear Wastegate Trim Table at the same time to increase stability.


Boost GP Wastegate Trim Table

This table allows trimming of the wastegate DC based on whatever variables the user sees fit to use. The value is applied as a percentage correction to the base duty cycle.



With this table set to 10%, and a base duty cycle of 50%, the effective base duty cycle will be 55% (50 + 50 * 10%).


Boost GP Target Trim Table

This setting is only available in Closed Loop Boost Control.

This table allows trimming of the Boost Target based on whatever variables the user sees fit to use. The value is applied as an offset, use a positive number to raise the Boost Target or a negative number to lower the Boost Target.



With this table set to 10kPa, and a base target of 200kPa, the new target boost pressure will be 210kPa.




Boost PID Setup Window - These settings are only available in Closed Loop Boost Control.

Base DC Mode

This setting controls whether the base duty cycle continues to be updated during Stage 3, or remains fixed at the final value calculated in Stage 2.

·Stage 2 - The base duty cycle is continuously updated during Stage 2 and then remains set at the last value calculated before entering Stage 3.

·Stage 2-3 - The base duty cycle is continuously updated in both Stages 2 and 3.


Stage 1 Duty

This is the duty cycle applied when the turbo is first beginning to spool. This value is used to hold the wastegate shut during spool.



Set this adjustment to stop the wastegate opening. A typical value would be 90%.        


Stage 2 ON

This setting controls the manifold pressure at which Stage 2 becomes active, the activation value is the Boost Target minus this value.



Stage 1 is used to spool the turbo at a rapid rate, making this number small will increase the Stage 1 duration, although if the number is too small the boost is likely to overshoot. A typical value would be 50kPa, assuming the target is 200kPa absolute pressure, Stage 2 will become active when the manifold pressure reaches 150kPa (200kPa - 50kPa).


Stage 3 ON

This setting controls the manifold pressure at which the Stage 3 ON Delay counter becomes active, the activation value is the Boost Target minus this value.

After the delay has elapsed, the control method will switch into Stage 3 which means a switch from a PD controller to a PI controller.



Set this to a value to start the Stage 3 ON Delay countdown. A typical value for this would be 15kPa. Assuming the target is 200kPa absolute pressure, the Stage 3 ON Delay will start counting at 185kPa (200kPa - 15kPa).



Set this value close to the target, but not too far away in case the boost pressure doesn't reach the activation point and the Stage 3 control won't ever become active.


Stage 3 Hysteresis

This setting sets the pressure below Stage 3 ON where Stage 2 will become active.



Set this point to define the manifold pressure at where the Stage 3 will become inactive. A typical value for this would be 15kPa, assuming Stage 3 ON is set to 20kPa and the Boost Target is 200kPa, Stage 3 will become inactive when the manifold pressure falls below 165kPa (200kPa - 20kPa -15kPa).


Stage 3 ON Delay

This setting controls the delay in Stage 3 becoming active after the Stage 3 activation value (Boost Target minus Stage 3 ON) has been reached, this setting is specified in seconds.



Set this to a value to provide time for the boost pressure to stabilize before performing any Stage 3 control. A typical value for this would be 0.5 seconds.



Set this value to 0 for no delay.


Min DC Clamp

This settings controls the minimum duty cycle that can be applied to the wastegate solenoid, setting a minimum duty cycle can help prevent the closed loop system from becoming unstable.


Max DC Clamp

This setting controls the maximum duty cycle that can be applied to the wastegate solenoid, setting a maximum duty cycle can help prevent the closed loop system from becoming unstable.



Set this to a value that will prevent over-boost when tuning the system. A typical value would range from 40% to 95% depending on the turbo/wastegate/engine combination.


Proportional Gain

This setting controls the proportional gain of the PID algorithm. For a Proportional Gain of 1.0 and an error value of 1 kPa the output duty cycle will be adjusted by 0.5%.



Set this to a value to control the aggression or attack rate of the boost pressure.



With a base duty cycle of 50%, a proportional gain of 5.0 and a current error of 10kPa, the base duty will be trimmed to 55% = (50 + (5.0 * -10 * 0.1%)



Increase this value to decrease spool time; increase it too far and the boost will overshoot the target. This overshoot may be counteracted by increasing the Derivative Gain.


Integral Gain

This setting controls the integral gain of the PID algorithm. For an Integral Gain value of 1.00 and an error value of 1 kPa the rate of increase in output duty cycle will be 25%/sec.



Set this to a value to control the target offset correction of the boost pressure.



Increase this value for better offset correction; increase it too far and the boost pressure will oscillate.


Derivative Gain

This setting controls the derivative gain of the PID algorithm. For a Derivative gain value of 1.00 and a rate of change in error of 1kPa/millisecond the output duty cycle will be adjusted by 1%.



Set this to a value to control the target overshoot of the boost pressure.



Increase this value for better overshoot protection; increase it too far and spool time will decrease.


Integral Clamp

This setting clamps the output from the integral component of the controller increasing stability. The clamp is measured in percentage duty cycle and clamps in both the positive and negative direction.



Set this adjustment to stop the integral factor winding up and making the system oscillate. A typical value for this would be 15%, but may vary largely depending on the turbo/wastegate/engine combination.



If you are hitting the integral clamp and not reaching the target at high RPM, you may need to increase this.


Advanced Open Loop Mode

If P, I and D gains are set to zero, boost control operates as open loop with the addition of the closed loop stages. It is recommended to set the PID values to 0 and use closed loop mode when setting the base DC values for CL Boost Control.


See Also:

·Closed Loop Boost Setup Guide