Two analog inputs are required for each electronic throttle actuator to measure actual Throttle Plate (TP) position. Using two signals allows the integrity of the signals to be verified by the ECU. Further information regarding fault detection of these signals can be found in the safety section. TPS (Main) provides the actual throttle plate position, TPS (Sub) is used as redundancy to verify the validity of TPS (Main).

TPS Settings:

TPS (Main) Source

Allows the user to select the main throttle position signal source.

Most dual TPS sensors will have an output voltage that spans the full working range of throttle plate or pedal movement. However, on some applications one sensor will span the full working plate range while the other will ONLY read up to about 70%. TPS (Main) MUST be assigned to the signal that changes over the full working range and the other signal assigned to TPS (Sub). Under no conditions should the orientation and these two signals be swapped.


TPS (Sub) Source

Allows the user to select the secondary throttle position signal source.


TPS Calibration

After correctly wiring and configuring the analog inputs they must be calibrated so the ECU can relate input voltage to position (percentage from closed to open).

There are two methods by which the TPS signals can be calibrated:

·Manual Calibration - Type the sensor open and closed voltages into the TPS (Main) Closed, TPS (Main) Open, TPS (Sub) Closed and TPS (Sub) Open settings. TPS (sub) 100% also needs to be set appropriately.
The sensor pin voltages can be seen in the Analog Inputs tab of the Runtime Values Window (press F12).

·Automatic Calibration - Only available on EThrottle 1. Refer below for more information.


TPS (Sub) 100%

Some Throttle Position sensors have one signal that stops changing before full travel is reached. These sensors are most often found on Toyota and Lexus engines, for non linear sensors (like these) the TPS (sub) 100% number must be set to the TPS (Main) value at which the TPS (Sub) value stops increasing (typically around 60-70%).

For linear sensors, which the majority of Throttle Position Sensors are, this number must be set to 100%.


TPS (Main) Closed, TPS (Main) Open, TPS (Sub) Closed & TPS (Sub) Open

These values is automatically set when using the TPS Calibration function.

·TPS (Main) Closed - The voltage of the TPS (Main) input when the throttle plate is held shut.

·TPS (Main) Open - The voltage of the TPS (Main) input when the throttle plate is held fully open.

·TPS (Sub) Closed - The voltage of the TPS (Sub) input when the throttle plate is held shut.

·TPS (Sub) Open - The voltage of the TPS (Sub) input when the throttle plate is held fully open.


Error Value

Allows the user to set the TPS value that will be used should the TPS input enter fault state (Fault State being defined by the Analog input fault settings). This value is more useful for fuel/ignition tuning than EThrottle tuning as when the TPS signal goes into fault state the EThrottle is immediately shut off which will result in it returning to its natural resting position.


Analog Input Fault Settings

After TPS (Main) and TPS (Sub) inputs have been wired and tested on their respective analog input channels, fault values must be setup for these channels. A low voltage and high voltage fault setting is provided for each channel, these settings specify the voltage ranges used to determine a possible fault condition on the analog channel. Typical values for these settings are:


·Error Low = 0.1 V

·Error High = 4.9 V


Note that these settings can have values closer to the working range of the position sensor if required. Eg if the sensor outputs 1.0 to 4.2 V, Error Low could be up to about 0.8V and Error High could be down to about 4.4 V.


Throttle Position Sensor (TPS) Automatic Calibration

This procedure calibrates the TPS (Main) and TPS (Sub) sensors. This procedure uses an automated system where the ECU automatically moves the throttle plate while monitoring TPS signal levels and there are a number of problems that could occur during this procedure if inputs are not wired or setup correctly. In the event of an error occurring during the TPS calibration procedure, the ECU will immediately stop the automated test process and an error will be displayed.


To run the automated TPS Calibration:

1.Set the E-Throttle Mode to Setup Mode.

2.Check the E-Throttle PID settings for sensible values.

3.Under the E-Throttle -> Throttle Position Sensor double click the TPS Calibration option (Or ECU Controls Menu, TPS Setup).

4.A message box will come up reminding you to assign TPS  (Main) and TPS (Sub) inputs, click 'Ok' to begin.

5.The automated process (detailed further below) will begin. This will complete after approximately 15 seconds. The ECU will attempt to move the throttle plate over its operating range while measuring position sensor signal values. Should any faults arise, they will be displayed and the calibration process will be halted.

6.Assuming no errors, the Throttle Position Sensors should now be calibrated.

7.Set the E-Throttle Mode to ON once you are happy with the TPS and APS calibrations and the EThrottle PID values.



Automated Throttle Position Sensor Calibration Procedure

This section gives detailed information on the automated TPS calibration procedure. This information should only be required should an error occur during the automated TPS calibration process.



·In the event of a fault condition the ECU will immediately stop the automated TPS calibration procedure.

·The error codes produces during this procedure are unique to this procedure and do not relate to the general ECU fault codes.


Test Procedure:

1.System Initialisation

This step initialises the ECU for Electronic Throttle Control and records the current TP(Main) and TP(Sub) voltages. During this process under normal conditions the TPS Cal Status will display "Starting calibration.".


Fault Condition(s) generated in this step:

Error Code 1 - E-Throttle Relay Auxiliary Output NOT selected.

Error Code 2 - TPS (Main) NOT selected.

Error Code 3 - TPS (Sub) NOT selected.

Error Code 14 - No H-Bridge Defined (PWM Output not selected).


2.Move throttle plate fully Closed and monitor the TPS (Main) voltage.

This step progressively increases the motor duty cycle (in the -ve direction) until the rate of change of TPS (Main) voltage exceeds a particular threshold. During this process under normal conditions the TPS Cal Status will display “Moving Throttle plate Closed”.


Fault Condition(s) generated in this step:

Error Code 5 – No TPS (Main) Movement.

·TPS(Main) not connected, faulty or has incorrect fault levels set.

·E-Throttle Motor not connected to the ECU.


3.Check that the throttle plate has reached the end of the travel.

This step happens when the throttle plate rate of movement has dropped below a threshold and so extra kick is applied to ensure that the end of travel has been reached. During this process under normal conditions the TPS Cal Status will display “Holding throttle plate.”.


4.Calibrate TPS (Main) and TPS (Sub) Closed values.

The kick is removed and the TPS (Main) Closed and TPS (Sub) Closed values are set to the TPS (Main) and TPS (Sub) voltages respectively. The Duty Cycle is then set to 0% releasing the throttle blade. During this process under normal conditions the TPS Cal Status will display "Calibrating closed position.".


5.Move throttle plate fully open and monitor the TPS (Main) voltage.

This step progressively increases the motor duty cycle (in the +ve direction) until the rate of change of TPS (Main) voltage exceeds a particular threshold. During this process under normal conditions the TPS Cal Status will display “Throttle plate is opening.”.


Fault Condition(s) generated in this step:

Error 5: No TPS (Main) movement.

·TPS (Main) Faulty or has incorrect fault levels set.

·Throttle plate is sprung fully open or throttle plate is sprung fully closed and H-Bridge Polarity is reversed.


6.Check that the throttle plate has reached the end of the travel.

This step happens when the throttle plate rate of movement has dropped below a threshold and so extra kick is applied to ensure that the end of travel has been reached. During this process under normal conditions the TPS Cal Status will display “Holding throttle plate.”.


7.Calibrate TPS (Main) and TPS (Sub) Open values.

The kick is removed and the TPS (Main) Closed and TPS (Sub) Closed values are set to the TPS (Main) and TPS (Sub) voltages respectively. The Duty Cycle is then set to 0% releasing the throttle blade. During this process under normal conditions the TPS Cal Status will display "Calibrating open position.".


8.Monitor Throttle Blade return to sprung position and check polarity.

The throttle plate is monitored as it closes after being released by the previous step and the throttle polarity is checked. During this process under normal conditions the TPS Cal Status will display “Moving Throttle plate closed.”.


Fault Condition(s) generated in this step:

Error 6: Limited TPS (Main) movement. (Less than 1V of travel between the open and closed calibration)

Cause(s) of Error Code

·Throttle plate obstructed

·Faulty TPS (Main) Sensor


Error 7: Limited TPS (Sub) movement. (Less than 1V of travel between the open and closed calibration)

Cause(s) of Error Code

·Throttle plate obstructed

·Faulty TPS (Sub) Sensor


Error 16: H-Bridge polarity is reversed. (Sprung position is closer to fully open than fully closed)

Either swap the EThrottle +ve and -ve wires at the EThrottle Plug, at the ECU Plug or change the active state of the first EThrottle Aux (e.g. Aux 9 Active State when using Aux 9/10, this setting should be immediately below the PWM Output selection box).


Assuming no errors the TPS Cal Status will then display "TPS Calibrated.".