For Traction Control Runtimes look here.
Displays the current status of the Torque Management function.
·Inactive - Torque Management is turned on but is currently adjusting engine torque.
·Active - Torque Management is on and actively adjusting Engine Torque.
·Off - Torque Management is turned off.
The estimated torque value that the engine is currently producing.
The current amount of torque that is being requested to be removed. This value is written to by the 350Z CAN stream for gearshift torque reduction.
The current torque being requested by the operator of the engine. This value comes from the Torque Request Table and is typically based on accelerator pedal position and engine speed.
The current Torque value that Torque Management Control is aiming for.
Torque Reduction Ignition Trim
The Ignition trim currently being applied by Torque Management.
The Ignition cut currently being applied by Torque Management. They type of cut is set by the Cut Mode.
The Boost trim currently being applied by Torque Management.
The E-Throttle trim currently being applied by Torque Management.