Idle Position

Displays the current position of the idle actuator as a percentage of it's full range.


Idle Base Position

Displays the current value from the Idle Base Position table, this is the idle position before any trims are added (AC, startup, engine fan, CL stuff etc).


Idle Target

Displays the current idle engine speed target. This value is only updated when using Closed Loop ISC control or Idle Ignition control.


Idle Target Error

Displays the difference between the current engine speed and the idle engine speed target (Idle Target Error = Engine Speed - Idle Target) . This value is only updated when using Closed Loop ISC control or Idle Ignition control.


Idle Status

Shows the current status of the Idle control system. Note that some of the states will only show on certain idle modes.

·OFF - Idle control not setup or turned off.

·OFF: RPM = 0 - ISC turned on but engine not running.

·Startup - This indicates that the idle solenoid/stepper is in its startup position.

·Startup Decay - The engine has started and the startup offset/idle up is decaying.

·Open Loop Mode - ISC is operating in open loop mode.

·Dashpot Hold Time - Idle Speed Control has recently entered and the full Dashpot correction is being applied.

·Dashpot Decay Time - The Dashpot correction has been active for longer than it's hold time and is now decaying.

·Hold - Throttle Open - The throttle or accelerator pedal is open past the APS/TPS Lockout position, idle control not active.

·RPM Lockout - The engine speed is greater than the RPM Lockout value, idle control not active.

·Hold - Speed - The Speed Lockout is active and preventing idle control from running.

·Hold - MAP - The MAP value is greater than the MAP Lockout setting and is preventing the idle control from running.

·RPM Target - Closed Loop Idle Speed Control has reached its current Target RPM and is within the RPM Deadband (Closed Loop only).

·Active - Closed Loop Idle Speed Control is active (Closed Loop only).

·ISC Override - Anti-Lag or Cyclic Idle override is active and the Idle Actuator position is being controlled by the Anti-Lag or Cyclic Idle ISC Override settings.


Ignition Idle Status

Shows the current status of the Ignition Idle control system.

·OFF - Ignition Idle Control is turned off.

·Inactive - Ignition Idle Control is turned on but is not operating due to lockouts or Anti-Lag/Cyclic idle override.

·Active - Ignition Idle Control is operating.

·Min Ignition - Ignition Idle Control has reached it's minimum Ignition angle clamp value.

·Max Ignition - Ignition Idle Control has reached it's maximum Ignition angle clamp value.

·Hold - Throttle Open - The throttle or accelerator pedal is open past the APS/TPS Lockout position, idle ignition control not active.

·RPM Lockout - The engine speed is greater than the RPM Lockout value, idle ignition control not active.

·Hold - Speed - The Speed Lockout is active and preventing idle ignition control from running.

·Hold - MAP - The MAP value is greater than the MAP Lockout setting and is preventing the idle ignition control from running.


Information on the Idle fuel trims can be found here

Information on the Idle Ignition Angle can be found here