Views are windows that are placed onto a page. These can be moved and resized as required. A view may contain a gauge, table, runtime information logging plot or various other information. The small move icon in the top right of the window can be clicked to lock the views position and size.

The following shows an example view containing runtime values for Fuel. You can see the move icon and close icon in the top right of the panel.

Runtime View

Runtime View


There are three main types of views inside PCLink, a runtime views, settings views and logging views. Each view is outlined as follows:

·Runtime Views - Runtime views show real time information numerically or graphically on ECU parameters and tables. Runtime views do not have the ability to modify any data. Example: Dial Gauge

·Settings Views - Settings views allow you to change ECU settings, configuration and tables. Example: Fuel Table 1

·Logging Views - Logging views allow you to view log files and analyses log data. Example: Time Plot



tog_minusCreating Views
tog_minusMoving Views
tog_minusResizing Views
tog_minusMove Lock
tog_minusSettings Lock
tog_minusTable Views